How Can I Enrol For the Class

  • Click on Login
  • Create your account
  • Setup Student (If you are taking classes, select I am Taking Classes)
  • Setup AutoPay
  • Enrol in the class of your interest.

Can I do Trial Class?

  • Yes, Our First Class for new Member is Free of Charge as a Trial class.

If I miss a class, is there an option to do Makeup Class?

  • Yes, you can do makeup class, provided you have submitted your absence 24hrs in advance.
  • We have classes running on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, it is preferred if you can do makeup class within the same term, if for some reason you are not able to do your makeup class, please discuss by sending an email to info@bhangrafit.com.au.

I can't attend whole term are there any other options?

  • Yes there are few options available –
    • Drop in is $20/ class or
    • 10 class pass for $180,
      • however please note that there are only limited spots available. If class is full we might not be able to issue you a class pass. For any further questions please send email to info@bhangrafit.com.au

When do I have to pay for the term or other options (if I dont enrol for the term)

  • Once you setup Autopay and enroll in a class (only applicable for Term Signup), your spot is reserved (without Autopay setup your spot is not reserved), however you are not charged at the time of sign-up. Your account gets auto debit on 14th of the month, and if term doesn’t start on 14th of the month, auto debit happens on or after first class of the term.
  • Drop-in Class and Class Pass have to be paid at the time of sign up.

Are there any discounts available?

  • Yes we have promotional discounts running all the time along with on going discounts if you attend multiple classes per week or if you have any family member also joining you. Discount can be anywhere from 5% to 24% for one term!!!

What for some reason I can't do term after one or two classes?

  • Unfortunately there are no refunds applicable.

Do I have to Enrol every term?

  • No, if you have enrolled for the term, you will be setup for Auto Enrolment.

Is it Compulsory to setup AutoPay?

  • Yes, AutoPay is compulsory however if you are facing issues, please reach out to Sher or send an email to info@bhangrafit.com.au.

Are there any Payment plans available?

  • Yes, we can arrange for weekly, fortnightly or Monthly plans. Please discuss with Sher if you would like to setup Payment plans.

Do you Have any Further Questions, Contact us